Welcome to Better Timeit’s documentation!

A Better Timeit


bettertimeit will time any function which is named “timeit_<something>”. The “timeit_” functions may be contained within a function or in a module. Each “timeit_” function will be timed separately:

from bettertimeit import bettertimeit

def container():
    a = 5

    def timeit_calculation():

    b = 3

    def timeit_calculation_2():


To run timings from setup.py, you could add this to setup():


And then run:

% python setup.py timeit

This would run timeit functions in timings.py.


  • Lets you write your timing test code as regular code instead of strings, but without the overhead of a function call.
  • Put your timing test code in a module or inside a function
  • Uses the same method as timeit.main to calculate the optimal number of passes to run.
  • Adds a timeit_suite option to setup() in setup.py, and a distutils command timeit to run timings from setup.py.

Indices and tables